Japanese Kitchen by J2 Sushi i Dublin 2

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IrlandJapanese Kitchen by J2 Sushi



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1, Poolbeg Street, D02 TY84, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 8438
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 53.3469288, Longitude: -6.2570196

kommentar 5

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    Jennifer Babos


    Some of the best sushi I have ever had! Our best meal in Dublin was here- highly recommend!!

  • Luiz Filipe Waz Fonseca

    Luiz Filipe Waz Fonseca


    The best Japanese restaurant I have ever been to. The food is just amazing and the guys working there are simply the best. They really make you feel very welcome. In fact, it is my favourite restaurant in town.

  • Patrick McDonald

    Patrick McDonald


    Lovely food, great value, staff are fantastic

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    BESSTT JAPANESE PLACE IN IRELAND! It doesnt get as authentic as this. Best tasting sushis, rolls and sashimi. Everything is fresh and very friendly staff!!!

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    Tomas Fuchsbauer


    I've always loved Japanese food well before it was deemed fashionable in Dublin. Love this place ever since I discovered it as a mature student. The staff are so friendly and obliging. The food is just exquisite and highly affordable. A rice bowl with five large prawns is just Euro 8.50. Delivery is modest but picking it up or eating in is also ideal. Beats the average place for lunch any day ! Very highly recommended !

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