Jurys Inn Parnell Street Dublin i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandJurys Inn Parnell Street Dublin



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Parnell Street, D01 E0H3, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 878 4900
internet side: www.jurysinns.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3514725, Longitude: -6.2630753

kommentar 5

  • Sheyera Jayatunga

    Sheyera Jayatunga


    We got to the hotel way before check in time but hotel staff gave us breakfast vouchers as they looked for a room to get us situated in. In less than 2 hrs (we walked around the city), we had a room. It is a very clean and cozy room. The hotel staff are incredibly friendly and helpful. The hotel is situated right in the middle of the city, everything from food to shopping is walking distance. I would definitely stay here again.

  • en

    Bobbi Stevens


    Great hotel to stay in for a very reasonable price. Lovely bar and restaurant in the hotel, ice and vending machines on every floor. The rooms have tea facilities, hair dryers, iron, TV, towels and body wash/shampoo. Large comfy beds and polite staff.

  • Leah Iverson

    Leah Iverson


    We had a great stay here. Nearly soundproof walls, spacious room (for European standards), really comfortable bed, wonderful staff and a bar on level two that was open past 12. Also they offer room service 24/7 with a more limited menu after 9pm or so. Delivery to room is about a 5 euro charge. I found the cheapest rate for this hotel through their website as they happened to be running a 72 hour sale.

  • Anton Art

    Anton Art


    I had a very pleasant experience while staying in this hotel. Check in desk employees were very welcoming and helpful. The hotel itself is very clean and the lobby area looks nice. My bedroom was clean and nice. The bathroom was equiped with soap and towels. The room had an AC unit with forced air heating system. Would definitely stay here again.

  • en

    Kate Burwood


    Stayed for two nights in January '18 and had a wonderful stay. Hotel was warm and cosy, staff were super friendly (almost overly-helpful) and the room was fab. The security checks on entering the hotel at night made me and my mum feel v. safe - we also had breakfast included which was yummy with lots of choice. Only downside was that the hotel was quite far away from the centre.

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