Kelly's Hotel i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKelly's Hotel


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36, South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 648 0010
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Latitude: 53.341992, Longitude: -6.26467

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rita Johnson


    We stayed in the penthouse for St Paddy's Day weekend and it was beautiful! Staff was helpful and the bar right downstairs was wonderful.

  • Stephanie Courtney

    Stephanie Courtney


    Great venue for a small gethering.

  • en

    David Wiley


    Location is great. Room was clean but basic. No elevator and lots of stairs so if you have any luggage you're going to drag it up. Very noisy with the bar downstairs! No real amenities so bring what you need. Good bed.

  • Erin Nelson

    Erin Nelson


    The Kelly hotel was a great place to stay! Just a couple blocks off of temple bar district. Basic room with private bath. There was no air conditioning but this is common in Europe/ Ireland. The reception staff was so amazingly friendly and accommodating!!!! If I stay in Dublin again I would definitely stay here!!! The beds were very comfy, complimentary breakfast I didn't know about was a plus!!! The shower had great water pressure. All in all great location to stay with great staff!

  • Mathias Johannes Dam Falkenberg

    Mathias Johannes Dam Falkenberg


    When I first arrived here i couldn't get in and had to wait on the street for around 10 minutes till reception let me in. My Room wasn't ready yet so i just left my bag till it was. The cleanliness in the room was decent but it was overall a very spartan room. There's no WiFi but you can easily connect to the WiFi from the pub downstairs and that works perfectly fine A decent place but there's nothing special about it

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