Killakee Christmas Tree Farm i Dublin

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IrlandKillakee Christmas Tree Farm



🕗 åbningstider

Killakee Road, Rathfarnham, Orlagh, Dublin, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 531 2966
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.2575213, Longitude: -6.3227021

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mary Kelly


    A great place to visit, take the children for a walk select your tree. A lovely time spent there.

  • Eliza Tomczyk

    Eliza Tomczyk


    What a lovely day we had there! The house smells so much like Christmas since our beautiful 🌲 got here and it's all because Killakee Christmas tree farm. The people there are amazing, extremely nice, patience and helpful. My daughters talk about this experience all day with big smiles on their faces :) of course the hot chocolate with marshmallows and mulled wine helped as well! Lovely place. It's nice to support local places like that and got some fresh air from Dublin mountains!

  • en

    Alex Keogh


    Always get my Christmas tree here! Trees are lovely and such a Christmas experience getting to choose which one you want cut down !

  • Nigel Cole

    Nigel Cole


    Second time this year....a rare treat. Kids love it. Really enjoyed the hot chocolate addition. Exceptionally love people. Thanks again...Great Christmas Tree! 🎄

  • Seamus Diamond

    Seamus Diamond


    A really great Christmas tradition is to go to Killakee Christmas Tree Farm and select a tree for you home. It's very close to Dublin, has hot chocolate, helpful staff, & great prices. What more could you want?

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