Kodak Express Davitt Photo Centre i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandKodak Express Davitt Photo Centre



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Upper Salthill Road, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 581 660
internet side: www.davittphoto.com
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Latitude: 53.260765, Longitude: -9.07497

kommentar 5

  • en

    Garrett Hurley


    Excellent photo quality family business.

  • Brad Anderson

    Brad Anderson


    Best Printer in the West of Ireland! Seriously

  • en

    Fionnuala Hussey


    I thought they were MOST helpful. I have been here so often recently and both father and son have been extremely kind and obliging above and beyond. I also think they are most reasonably priced. I am a complete klutz technologically but the guys were courteous and patient and I have always been happy with the results.

  • Kevin Foy

    Kevin Foy


    Good service. Awful customer service. Feels like you are inconveniencing them!

  • Anna



    I was delighted to finally find a printing service in Galway of such quality and service! I have been working with Davitt Photo Center for a few years now and cannot recommend them enough! They are one of very few printing services in Ireland who print on Fuji Professional photo paper, which is a real good quality paper! I always get my prints printed immediately and posted to my home. Sharon and Martin, who I am mostly dealing with, are extremely helpful with any special requests! I don't know of any better printing service in the West of Ireland! Very happy! :)

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