Lakeshore Bathrooms and Tiles i Mullingar

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IrlandLakeshore Bathrooms and Tiles



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15, Zone C, Mullingar, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 44 934 1900
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Latitude: 53.51656, Longitude: -7.35619

kommentar 5

  • en

    Patrick O'Flaherty


    Absolutely the worst service I have ever encountered. I waited for nearly half an hour before anybody engaged with me. Then, the sales pitch was full on, it was like being pushed into buying a time-share. Avoid like the plague.

  • Patrick Wilson

    Patrick Wilson


    Great range of products. Good no pressure sales atmosphere.

  • en

    damien murphy


    My wife and I were looking at bathrooms for a new build and stumbled upon Lakeshore Bathrooms. They ended up providing all the sanitary ware and bathroom tiles to our new house. Our experience was a very positive one, Martin and Carol provided great service and advice throughout the process. We ended up changing a few things as we went but that didn't matter, Lakeshore were very accomodating with everything. I would have no hesitation in recommening Lakeshore to anyone.

  • G Mont

    G Mont


    I was refurbishing the family bathroom and didn't know where to start. I visited a few showrooms where I saw some nice ideas, and met lovely staff but still wasn't making any progress. I called into Lakeshore bathroom and tiles and was immediately wowed by the selection. Martin and Carol offer a fantastic service and helped me in every way possible. What I loved about them was that there was no pressure to buy but in fact the opposite. I was advised to take my time picking materials so as to ensure my happiness. This I did and changed my mind numerous times before my final decision. Martin was even so good to call to my house so he could have a look at the room and give me his best advice. Now I have a beautiful practical bathroom. I cannot recommend Lakeshore enough Genevieve Montgomery

  • Stephen von Beaumont

    Stephen von Beaumont


    Beautiful showroom along with great service.

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