Laois Shopping Centre i Portlaoise

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLaois Shopping Centre



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James Fintan Lawlor Ave, Portlaoise, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 57 866 2804
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.0310251, Longitude: -7.2961114

kommentar 5

  • en

    Frances Smyth


    Very nice shopping centre. My first time there. I will visit again.

  • mary Brazil Lynch

    mary Brazil Lynch


    Love this shopping centre. Great shops & restaurants. Loads of parking.

  • Agnieszka Garbacz

    Agnieszka Garbacz


    Good selection of shops for everyday shopping, clean and cosy building. Ample parking.

  • en

    Adrian Violett


    Sadly a shopping centre like so many others in towns and cities around the world. Apart from the almost universally friendly Irish locals there is nothing attractive about this cavernous industrial scale modern shopping center. The architectural style is one that reflects a harsh unnatractive approach that has no sympathy whatsoever with the setting in which it is placed. What a pity that the local authority allow such awful eyesores to be constructed.

  • en

    Anne- Marie Wass


    Lots of shops and places to have a coffee. Very busy on the weekend. Loads of parking . I recommend using underground parking as spaces on the outside are a lot smaller. Lots of shops and staff are all friendly and very helpful.

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