Leisureplex Stillorgan i Stillorgan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLeisureplex Stillorgan



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Old Dublin Road, Stillorgan, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 288 1656
internet side: leisureplex.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.289341, Longitude: -6.1972949

kommentar 5

  • Karl Paul

    Karl Paul


    Good value and good fun. Gents toilets need some serious attention though. They're unpleasant.

  • Sebastian Ritzén

    Sebastian Ritzén


    Great place. Had loads of fun. Good for all the family. We played bowling and the arcades. Really amusing and satisfying. Food options aren't great but Mao deliver.

  • en

    Craig Byrne


    Great place for the kids when the weather isn't going your way.theres a new Starbucks in the restaurant area..decent prices and the coffee is surprisingly good 👍

  • Michelle Corry

    Michelle Corry


    Horrendous service from the manager of the "zoo". I have 4 kids and have been going to places like this for 13 years and have never seen anything like it. Be aware they have a ridiculously low height restriction of 137cm, which my intellectually disabled, autistic 7 year old was taller than by about a cm. When asked for the reason for such a low height restriction, I was told in a montone voice "company policy". I told her all companies have flexibility and a considering we are talking about a child with the intellectual capacity of a 1 year old, it would surely be reasonable to let him in. She eventually did, but said it has to be the last time he comes here. Even if it was an unmovable policy, fair enough, but her attitude absolutely stank, extremely unprofessional, rude, no sign of any empathy, just that the customer is an inconvenience. Apart from the above, the place is run down, dirty and tiny. It wasn't possible to even buy a cup of coffee. I never give 1 star ratings and realise there is a business behind it. I worked in customer facing roles my entire life, even training sales people on how to sell and deal with customers and I have never seen such an obnoxious attitude in my lifetime, and I don't say that lightly

  • en

    Samar M


    Came here with friends to play bowling and some arcade games. It was a really nice night out and we all had a good time. Definitely would recommend if you enjoy bowling/ arcade games! They also have a laser tag area but we didn’t try it out.

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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