Lifegate Bible Baptist Church i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLifegate Bible Baptist Church



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3, Main Street, D24 DPK2, Dublin, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 451 5574
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Latitude: 53.2884097, Longitude: -6.3566443

kommentar 5

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    David O


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    natsn zara


    Lifegate Bible Baptist Church is a Bible-believing church that teaches all about Jesus Christ and His love for us. It is a family friendly church as well...cultivates christian values to children, encourages the members to be involved in sharing the gospel unto all nations by giving gospel tracks / door to door and support missionaries all over the world. The church has so many activities all throughout the year that promotes close-knit relationship among each other especially to those foreign members that makes it a home away from home. Even if we live far away from the church we still chose to stay and be involve in Lifegate BBC as we feel spiritually fed and loved in this church.

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    Michael Craig


    If you are looking for a church with solid Bible teaching then this is a good place to attend. Lifegate is involved in missions which includes a faith based addicitions programme. People from various backgrounds attend this church and multiple activities are organised for all members of the family.

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    A great place to fellowship. It is open to all nationalities. Come and learn how to build your faith on firm foundation based on Bible Truth.

  • Áine Lebioda

    Áine Lebioda


    A family centered church where teaching is from the bible. Life skills are taught and all are welcome.

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