Limerick (Colbert) Railway Station i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLimerick (Colbert) Railway Station


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Parnell Street, Limerick, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353
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Latitude: 52.6585976, Longitude: -8.6239439

kommentar 5

  • Monique Kelly

    Monique Kelly


    Easy access, parking is easy, 2 platforms- hard to get lost .

  • Ng Kwok

    Ng Kwok


    Nice train station next to the bus station to make travel convenient. Signage could be improved, and too many chairs for people to sit on (I prefer people to stand and walk). They have a nice bike parking area nearby the entrance but it never gets used. Some improved security there would be appreciated. Nearby short term car park also available too, and could be further away.

  • Blank Blank

    Blank Blank


    Ah Colbert station, the gateway to Limerick and all its charm and beauty. Great station and very convenient. It honestly is one of the nicest stations in Ireland. Not only is there the actual train station but there’s also a bus station accompanying it beside it. Frequent buses around limerick and onwards to Shannon Airport

  • Nina B

    Nina B


    I've had two occasions by now where the employees were rude. Absolutely disappointed especially since I regularly use the service.

  • Dagmar Beierlein

    Dagmar Beierlein


    Freundlicher Service und leichte Bedingung der Automaten.

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