Lock Doctor Dublin i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandLock Doctor Dublin



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Fox-And-Geese, Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1850 555 000
internet side: www.lockdoctor.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3221441, Longitude: -6.3559536

kommentar 5

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    Had a key cut that didn't work. Had asked to book additional work, potentially 2 more jobs. Got no reply when I emailed the details as requested. So I wasted petrol money and 5euro on a key and my time. Staff on the day seemed pleasant but I ended up with a key that doesn't work and no follow up for the other jobs and now I need to start again with another company.

  • Mick



    Reasonable price for the service

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    Keith Lawlor


    Everything to do with locks of every description I would highly recommend the Lock Doctor. I had them out to my house to assist after I locked myself out, in this regard they were fast and efficient. I also had occasion recently to seek assistance with the replacement of the battery in my car key fob in which the screw head would no longer open. The technician had the fob open and battery replaced very quickly without any damage to the key fob. Excellent customer service provided. I also note they provide replacement key copies for cars and every door type at reasonable competitive prices.

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    Mohamed Hamdy


    I had a very pleasant experience. very knowledgeable and helpful stuff

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    John Carr


    I cannot praise this Company highly enough While in England I realised that the keys to my parked car at Dublin Airport were lost. I contacted the Company on Sunday Midday to advise that I should be in Dublin for 3.00 Mark as good as met me as I got off the plane and I was on the road 10 mins later. Cannot recommend this Company highly enough as the service was first class from start to finish.

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