Maldron Hotel Sandy Road Galway i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMaldron Hotel Sandy Road Galway



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Sandy Road, H91 ET6N, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 91 513 200
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Latitude: 53.285725, Longitude: -9.0451231

kommentar 5

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    D. Murphy


    Nice and affordable hotel within walking distance to city center. They are doing renovations, which is not mentioned on their website, even though they claim that there is a notice posted online, so things can get loud very early in the morning, and disrupt your sleeping. Something was wrong with the hot water three days in a row, but upon checking out, I was offered a discount off of my total bill, which I appreciated. Entire staff is wonderful, and the food is especially good! I'm a Chef, so take my word on the quality and taste of the food! Tom in the bar, is wonderful and has a great personality! Make sure you say hello to him, should you run into him! Will certainly stay at again in the future!

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    Helena Enright


    An excellent hotel. Very clean and great food. The staff are friendly and so helpful. I found the underground car park an added bonus especially after a day of shopping. You can access the lifts and be in your room in minutes with your purchases. No need to stop in reception area first. It's ideally situated as Galway shopping center is within walking distance approx 5mins away and you can be in Eyre square in 20min walking.

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    John Clarke


    Nice hotel. A lot of renovation work currently underway, However limited disruption to guests. Staff very friendly and helpful. Easy access to Galway centre and West coast.

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    Liz Benison


    Nice hotel. Only complaint was I was told on the phone that all rooms had fridges. We were given a room on the ground floor with no fridge and was told I didn't request one. Why would I request one when it I was told all rooms had one ????? We requested a move upstairs as there was noise from drilling and got a room with fridge and no drilling. Everyone happy☺

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    Turk Paz


    Been there for coffee and food and meetings in the bar. Bought a voucher from reception too. So even though I didn't sleep there, the other half of the experience I got to witness. Was a chilled atmosphere with a surprisingly large bar/restaurant area. Staff are friendly and attentive with reception being quite engaging. Service was quick enough at all times and food was quite delicious. Would definitely recommend for short stays or business related stays. Very close to all amenities and has 24 hour petrol station attached. Spa is supposed to be really good too.

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