Maldron Hotel Shandon Cork City i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMaldron Hotel Shandon Cork City



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John Redmond Street, T23 A9TF, Cork, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 452 9200
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.9025669, Longitude: -8.4747335

kommentar 5

  • Audrey Wannell

    Audrey Wannell


    Let me tell you a tale, a tale that is true. The staff were exquisite and of course the drink was too! Got a free upgrade and yes we spent the night, nothing was stirring, no there was no fright! Yes the drink is flowing, they remember my order. That is good and dangerous at the same time. A beer and whiskey is €10.80 so pretty good. And there is many people here. Parties and stuff and what not.

  • Erin Saunders

    Erin Saunders


    The walls are paper thin and it's easy to hear others talking in their rooms. The parking situation is also not ideal and they usually do not have open spaces. It generally took the people working at the front desk a while to check you in and out. What was nice about the hotel is that they have a good breakfast and bar, the wifi works well and the rooms were clean.

  • Marlene Stevenson

    Marlene Stevenson


    Stayed for 4 nights bed and breakfast. Everything was excellent. Staff were very helpful and friendly. The hotel is a 2 minute walk from the City Centre. The 215 bus stop is right outside the front of the hotel, takes you to Blarney Castle.

  • en

    Heather Sheldon


    Great spot. Very reasonably priced. Handy though limited parking. Easy walk to town centre. Restaurant and bar. Losing a star over the breakfast, it has varied in quality over our many stays, but generally good. Nice selection. The bar staff are always lovely, and yay for cocktails. Will return and return, no doubt.

  • Luca Filipetta

    Luca Filipetta


    Nice hotel, higher standard than other Mildred's I stayed at. Nice pool. Large comfortable room. Nice restaurant and bar. Staff is very friendly. Very good quality for money

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