Manor Interiors - Dublin w Dublin 13

IrlandiaManor Interiors - Dublin



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Unit 118, Baldoyle Industrial Estate, Dublin 13, D13 T6Y6, Irlandia
kontakt telefon: +353 1 839 5149
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większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 53.3936407, Longitude: -6.1461405

komentarze 5

  • Edouard Chapelle

    Edouard Chapelle


    I got my full house of motorised blinds fitted last week and the results are more than I was expecting. The most important thing for and my family is the security and the peace of mind we have now when we are away. I’ve got the app on my phone and now I do have an access from my phone whenever I need it. Absolutely professional company with individual customer service to meet our own high expectations. Delighted and can’t reccommend this company highly enough.

  • Feather and Burl

    Feather and Burl


    Guys at manor Interiors Had done some work for us at the shop, we are so impressed with level of professionalism as well as customizability provided that we will refer all of our clientele over. It is so rare to meet Irish manufacturer that produces everything in Ireland and to the highest standard. Every interaction had been a breeze and i would not consider every looking anywhere else for blinds good luck guys !

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    anna czajka


    I visited the Bargain Blinds Showroom, they have a huge range and I was able to find fabric that matched my decor beautifully. Aneta helped me with my selection, I was in a hurry to get everything fitted but the guys somehow managed to get everything sorted within 3 days -- From selection to fitting in 3 days -amazing - they really did go above and beyond to accommodate me and I am truly grateful. I have been telling everyone that will listen about them!! If you need roller blinds or any other blinds – look no further!!

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    Niall English


    Excellent service from Adam and his team. We got blinds fitted throughout our home and are very happy with the quality and value for money. Highly recommend- well done.

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    gloss glam


    Delighted with bargain blinds ! My friend lives in Baldoyle and she got their flyer and passed on the info to me.  Adam arrived on time and was just lovely.  I wasn't sure what style to go for, I wanted Blackout Roller Blinds for the kids room but was unsure whether to just stick to standard roller blinds throughout the house.  Adam walked me through the options and really took his time - you can tell he loves his job!   Can't recommend them highly enough - if you live in Dublin and are looking for new blinds - Give Adam a call!

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