Marble City Barbers i Kilkenny

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IrlandMarble City Barbers



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9, John Street Lower, R95 TD42, Kilkenny, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 56 772 2266
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Latitude: 52.6524993, Longitude: -7.2493595

kommentar 5

  • en

    Not Stock


    1st barbers I've visited in years. Excellent service and staff very friendly. Was completely at home here chatting away. Would give more than 5 stars if I could

  • Brian Alcorn

    Brian Alcorn


    I call Mark "the beard whisperer". He is an absolute wizard and is the most competent barber in the county, if not the country! It's not often I trust another to trim my beard, but Mark knows what he's doing better than the next one. Top class hair cuts and incomparable bearding.

  • en

    Gerald Vaughan


    Really good place to have your hair cut. The staff chat away and make you feel at home. But they are excellent in the business of cutting hair

  • en

    Ian Flynn


    If getting a haircut/shave is a treat rather than a chore, then this is the place for you. Its little details that matter. The excellent, well trained, friendly staff take their time and leave you feeling like they care about what they do. It's like a little spa treat for men. 30 minutes of bliss and a break from the real world. You step back in time and leave looking refreshed and feeling good. Highly recommended.

  • Brian O'Connor

    Brian O'Connor


    Great little gem in the heart of Kilkenny. I went there not knowing exactly what I wanted but the barber helped me figure it out. We had a great conversation and an even better haircut. I'm a foreign visitor but they made me feel right at home and even gave me some tips on what to do nearby. If I lived nearby this would be my regular barber.

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