Mary's Bar & Hardware i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMary's Bar & Hardware



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8, Wicklow Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 670 8629
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Latitude: 53.3428519, Longitude: -6.2602838

kommentar 5

  • en

    Seb M


    Lovely place and yes, you can buy the stuff. It's actually handy to go there

  • Andrew Bennett

    Andrew Bennett


    The double bacon cheeseburger is terrific. Especially with fries and a pint of guinness.

  • Jack 1059

    Jack 1059


    Funky place for a beer and a snack. Bit of a younger university crowd but welcoming.

  • eoghan geoghegan

    eoghan geoghegan


    Great spot. Seats are like gold here so move fast! Trad Musicians were playing when we were there. Don’t expect the bar to be fully stocked!

  • Paula Collins

    Paula Collins


    Really like this place can be a bit busy, you could call the decor shabby chic they to recreate old Irish bars with a new twisted (games and hardware and sweets) haven't had a toasted cheese from upstairs (yet) but tried out the WOW burger downstairs last night have to say I enjoyed it immensely had a cheese burger and garlic butter fries. The burger could have been cooked a little more for my liking (could add that to the options) garlic butter fries were amazing so much better then a chipper garlic mayo fries but probably equally unhealthy. I've been to the bar before and will most definitely be going back again. Highly recommended

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