McCarthy Cycles i Blackpool

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMcCarthy Cycles



🕗 åbningstider

New Mallow Road, Blackpool, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 21 421 1807
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.9238198, Longitude: -8.4886728

kommentar 5

  • en

    Patrick Keating


    This cycle shop was a bit far out from my usual place but my working bike packed up over the xmas period so I dealt with this shop and so glad I did. From the first meeting with John to the follow up with Simon, I was so impressed from the professionalism and expertise shown where everything was explained to a numty about bikes!! Although cost was not an issue to have my bike repaired I was stunned at what it cost compared to others I have dealt with. Worth the extra journey and I rarely write reviews but in this instance, it is truly merited to highly recommend this establishment. All reviews are spot on. Thanks a million.

  • en

    C Donovan


    Great shop, well stocked and very knowledgeable staff! Would definitely recommend to friends and family.

  • 노혜진



    Great store and attentive staff, recommended

  • Claudia Hernández

    Claudia Hernández


    Great store

  • Enda Moynihan

    Enda Moynihan


    Excellent bike shop with a good selection of bikes and accessories. The staff are very competent and can repair just about anything.

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