McCormacks Cycle Centre i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMcCormacks Cycle Centre



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31A, Dorset Street Lower, D01 N903, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 836 6173
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Latitude: 53.3592174, Longitude: -6.2614479

kommentar 5

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    Fustard ButtBurger


    All their bikes are poor quality and often have parts missing and broken. Several locals from the area will tell you to stay away from this place.

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    Very bad shop to go to. I paid 79 for a used bike and when i tried to sell the bike i was offered 20 for it because parts were missing from the bike. Will never shop there ever again. Also they did not have the bike ready when they said it would be. If you DO shop here make sure you bring someone who knows alot about bikes. McCormacks Cycle Centre preys on the clueless.

  • James Dean

    James Dean


    The owner is a very nice guy I bought 2 tubes from there And I got the wrong ones I went back he was only to happy To help me out so I got the right Ones and he even fitted it No hassle my gears were on the wrong Way round he pointed that out gave me a tool and it was all sorted I bought My pump from there and all I highly recommend this shop Great guy fantastic service I’ll be getting all my bicycle gear from there In future thanks again

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    Mikey Doug


    I brought my bike in on Friday morning and was asked when I would like it ready after agreeing the price. He said he could do it for this evening and I said any time before 2pm tomorrow would be fine. I arrived at 2:40-2:45 on Saturday and the bike was still not done and in turn made me late for work by around 15 minutes. No apology was given, was just told it would take another 20 to 30 minutes. It was closed on Sunday so when I went back on Monday I asked if there was any discount due to having to wait 48 hours and was laughed, paid the money in full then was offered some back as a discount making it feel like it was a donation instead of a discount. Would never go back or recommend to anyone and I work in a hostel which has a lot of new people to Ireland looking for bikes.

  • Peter Collins

    Peter Collins


    Discovered a loose crank set as I cycled into town today and spotted McCormacks Cycle Centre. Popped in and asked to borrow a tool and was no hassle, tightened and on my way in seconds. Got me out of a fix. Will being my custom when next needed! Thank you!

nærmeste Cykel butik

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