Motorlink Naas Road i Dublin 12

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMotorlink Naas Road



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Naas Road, Dublin 12, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 227 0709
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3154545, Longitude: -6.3818657

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kenny Higgins


    bought a Audi from here 2 months ago. car is great. quick and easy to deal with. I will definitely do business again. thanks

  • en

    Wolfie Zane


    My experience was excellent at Motorlink.. Was not looking forward to set about looking and buying another car.. With all the pitfalls hassle etc.. Decided to look at this place in passing and was pleasantly surprised.. First off excellent advice, straight up knowledge, to the point. Got a very good vehicle and reasonable priced into the bargain.. Keep up the good work.. Thank you .. Zane

  • Adrian Donoghue

    Adrian Donoghue


    I've recently had the please of making a purchase at Motorlink. Friendly easy going and great service with all aspects of my purchase. Looking forward to happy driving and will be back for my next upgrade in Driving.

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    Derrick Mcnamee


    Bought a car here 3 months ago really nice guys to deal with went back this week and bought a lovely 7 seater ,two cars we have at home purchased at Motorlink , guys make it so easy and hassle free to purchase a car would totally recommended dealing with Motorlink and wish them the very best . Thanks guys from myself and my wife

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    Aicha Choi


    A complete joke of a place. Did trade in the 10the of January, today 18th Feb still waiting for my log book. Several phone calls and they always have an excuse.. I am 9 months pregnant and due baby this week we have not been able to use our car as we cannot pay the road tax without the logbook change of name. They have not even changed my old cars name either. If tomorrow there is no change i am going straight to take a court case against to them as i have given them more than enough time.

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