Murphy's Chip Bar i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandMurphy's Chip Bar



🕗 åbningstider

76, Gerald Griffin Street, Cork, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 21 430 3708
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.9061231, Longitude: -8.4769587

kommentar 5

  • en

    Forest Speyer


    Lovely clean food, the philly steaks are delicious and they do a variety of other meals to suit all pallets, and friendly staff 👍

  • Niamh O Brien

    Niamh O Brien


    Not as great as it used to's a chipper and the staff are great but I think Dino's do better chips by far. Quick, fast and greasy. Don't go here is you dieting. Take away only

  • Joanne Healy

    Joanne Healy


    It's a tiny but mighty little chipper. Some of the best chips and burgers in Cork city.

  • Jason



    1. The Staff: the staff are always great. They are Always very approachable and helpful and friendly. 2. Cleanliness: This chipper is Always very clean. 3. Food: There is a big selection of food and drinks. Sometimes its to hard to choose. 4. Prices: i find everything on the menu to be reasonable. An order must be over ten euro before you can use a laser card. 5. Car Parking: there is car parking all along the street. 6. Others: best chipper ever 7. Complaints: garlic mushrooms are needed on the menu :)

  • Paddy O'Reilly

    Paddy O'Reilly


    Sloppy foley is a Must to fill a empty stomach! With very friendly Staff. Needs a proper Kabab. And Badly Needs fresh fish!

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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