N & T Crash Repairs Ltd i Dublin 10

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandN & T Crash Repairs Ltd



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Killeen Road, Dublin 10, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 87 234 9342
internet side: www.ntcrashrepairs.ie
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Latitude: 53.331561, Longitude: -6.3557677

kommentar 5

  • David Maloney

    David Maloney


    Fast efficient great quality repairs. Customer friendly. Reasonably priced

  • Patrick Garvey

    Patrick Garvey


    Good lads. Used them recently to repair damage to a fender bender on an old car. Bonnet / front side pannels and headlights were pretty banged up. The guys were up front wih what could be salvaged, what should be replaced. They gave me an estimated quote depending on where they could suss the replaced parts from. Very happy with these guys and would recomend them to anyone.

  • en

    Noel Stynes


    Great family run business. Top class work at affordable prices.

  • Eugene Hogan

    Eugene Hogan


    Nice people to do business with. Value for money and excellent work.

  • Rolf Sterzl

    Rolf Sterzl


    Fantastic. We had a neighbor put a ding in the side door of the car by accident. When we took it down to N&T, the owner Noel Stynes, could not have been more helpful. Very helpful, very informative, priced really well. The finish on the job was superb. Would highly recommend. A real gentleman to deal with.

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