Nesta Storage i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandNesta Storage



🕗 åbningstider

4, Burton Hall Road, Dublin, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 290 7800
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.272747, Longitude: -6.204453

kommentar 5

  • en

    Michel Piare


    Great service with friendly staff, easy to access and use. Thank you Nesta.

  • en

    Robin Henry


    Since we began using Nesta we have found them to be ideal for our needs. We particularly appreciate the ability to access our stored goods when we wish . We have found the staff to be flexible and very helpful, always ready to respond with advice and help with any particular request or problem. The storage facility is well maintained and easily accessible and secure. The rates are good value, comparing well with any alternatives. We would recommend them to anybody looking for a storage space in the South Dublin area.

  • en

    Damo1 Carrig


    Fantastic Location just off the M50. Great rates and staff that can't do enough for you! Damien O'Mahony

  • Vincent Murray

    Vincent Murray


    Great staff! always willing to help and solve problems. Great opening hours with 7 days a week access.

  • en

    fiona tynan


    In dealing with the staff of Nesta I have found them to be friendly and efficient. The storage facilities are well maintained and the opening hours are very flexible. Their rates are very competitive. Fiona Tynan

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