O'Briens Sandwich Cafe i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandO'Briens Sandwich Cafe



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Fredagåben 24 timer
3, Westmoreland Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 474 3030
internet side: www.obriens.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.345514, Longitude: -6.259487

kommentar 5

  • Silvia Perez Fonticiella

    Silvia Perez Fonticiella


    Sándwich and pizzas just the way you likes. Very good option.

  • en

    Niamh Dowling


    The OBriens in jervis on level one is the best food place and has the best staff ive came Across.. so friendly and polite, im a fussy eater iswell and there so genuine and give me excatly what i want and more. The woman eve should defintly get a lot of credit .. 😁 Fkods so frssh and at a great price!

  • Jan Geletič

    Jan Geletič


    We were surprised with local quality of sandwitches. Much mpre better as other O'Brians in city center.

  • Anna Pokorska

    Anna Pokorska


    Lovely atmosphere and delicious healthy food. Highly recommending.

  • Carlos Garcia

    Carlos Garcia


    This is a good place for having a good cup of coffee. It is not an expensive place, and they have good choices of companions for your coffee. Service is very nice, it seems they don't have restroom for customers, but when I asked for a restroom before leaving the place, they allowed me to use employees restroom, that was good for me.

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