Odeon Cinema Limerick i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandOdeon Cinema Limerick


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Dublin Road, V94 X6CN, Limerick, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 61 330 036
internet side: www.odeoncinemas.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.6644892, Longitude: -8.5526096

kommentar 5

  • Pania Lee

    Pania Lee


    We went to see Coco (great movie) and had a coffee at Costa. Where the kids could read books and colour in their film caracters. One star is missing since we looked the times up online and when we arrived we found that there was a difference of a half hour. So we missed a few minuttes of the movie 😣

  • en

    Szymon Janiszewski


    All good. Quick service easy way to purchase the tickets.

  • Niall O'Connor

    Niall O'Connor


    Cinema is the worst in Limerick, very messy tills, ignorant staff, bad tasting popcorn, and not to mention the Ryanair legroom. Will not be back.

  • Andrea Neumann

    Andrea Neumann


    Always a pleasure coming here. Floor can be sticky at times but it's always clean otherwise. Staff are great as well.

  • jacqui Lawrence

    jacqui Lawrence



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