Oliver St. John Gogarty i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandOliver St. John Gogarty



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22, Anglesea Street, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 1822
internet side: www.gogartys.ie
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Latitude: 53.3455806, Longitude: -6.2617081

kommentar 5

  • en

    Assaf Markowitz


    מומלץ Very good atmosphere (live music) and service, food was good and the portions were of good size. Beer is overpriced, food pricing reasonable.

  • steven agnew

    steven agnew


    Expensive but great food and atmosphere with quick service

  • Ylenia Morselli

    Ylenia Morselli


    Went with few tourists there and I have to say, I was very impressed with the food, excellent quality at quite reasonable price considering that it's in Temple bar! Entertainment was amazing and we were lucky as it was during the Temple Bar Trad Fest!

  • Johannes Thiel

    Johannes Thiel


    Great place for a pint Guinness and a bit of food. If you want some proper Irish food then this is for sure the place to go also have a very good cheese board and the staff is awesome! There are three floors and live music on every floor. When I was there only Irish music was planed (which was a plus) which led to a lot of dancing. Considering that it is smack down in Temple Bar district the prices are reasonable. They do know how to pour a Guinness creating a foam top that you could likely balance a pound coin on

  • Tara White

    Tara White


    We had a great time here. We only ate appetizers but they were soooo good. Try the fried mushrooms! Music was really really entertaining. Only negative were the beer prices were a bit higher than other places ( which i accepted because the music was so worth it) and because the restaurant area was COLD. We left freezing! But then up to the bar where it was nice and warm and fun.

nærmeste Bar

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