Omniplex Rathmines i Rathmines

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandOmniplex Rathmines


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Rathmines, Co. Dublin, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 497 5199
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3237813, Longitude: -6.2652138

kommentar 5

  • Aisling Finn

    Aisling Finn


    Very nice cinema in a handy location. Good films shown. Has an underground carpark.

  • en

    Alan kelly


    Great cinema pity about your Ap Make it simple and tell us what’s on at what time .?

  • en

    Jon Foley


    Great renovation done to this cinema. Tuesday specials are welcome. Comfortable, good sightlines and clear sound.

  • en

    Dermot Benson


    Need to get lids that actually for their drinks, ended up loosing a full cup of drink because the lid popped off making me loose it. Apart from that it's new and clean and comfortable. Some screens can be a bit of track though

  • Simon Mamouney

    Simon Mamouney


    Love the cinemas here. Prices are reasonable, especially when you book online before hand and plenty of machines to print your tickets when you arrive. The cinemas themselves are clean, the chairs are super comfortable and stepped so you never get someone's head in the way. Session times are good and regular and never too crowded. Only downside is the parking and wish you could validate your ticket and get free parking.

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