Painters Wexford i Wexford

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IrlandPainters Wexford



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9, Beachside Lawn, Y25 E2T0, Wexford, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 85 736 6767
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.6394729, Longitude: -6.2301008

kommentar 5

  • en



    My name is Emma Kelly and I am writing as a referee for Joe Finlay, who I have known for the last 12 years since we renovated our house in Sandymount. In my experience Joe Finlay has always done a fantastic job. He has a team of good, reliable, trustworthy and clean workers. The quality of their work is exceptional, for example we live on the seafront, exposed to all weathers and we have never had any problems with the paintwork.Joseph is a credit to himself......100% satisfaction

  • en

    Andrew Edwards


    I've had a wonderful experience having these guys decorating my home there know how and experience in helping me choose colours and there cleanliness at the end of the day was second to none would highly recommend...

  • en

    Trevor Flock


    I have been in the construction business 37 years, and my wife is an architect, so we are tough customers. It was so refreshing to have someone live up to their word on quality and schedule without having to watch their every move. Thank You Joe and Marty for making me a believer again that there are still some who actually take pride in their work

  • Martin Hand

    Martin Hand


    I really liked working with Joe, & the boys. They were clean, efficient, on-time, knowledgeable , helpful - and they paint and decorate beautifully. They have done a great job for me in House Dublin, a job that required flexibility and much technical know-how and preparation to achieve such clean finishes. They were a joy to work with and I genuinely can’t recommend them highly enough.

  • en

    michael clancy


    Proper professionals and a pleasure to have around. Gave an excellent quote and an excellent job done! Extremely happy with the work

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