Panem i Dublin

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21, Ormond Quay Lower, Dublin, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 872 8510
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Latitude: 53.3462639, Longitude: -6.2654541

kommentar 5

  • Ágnes Cselle

    Ágnes Cselle


    Amazing little place close to the heart of Dublin. Great selection of food and it's always made from scratch on the same day. They have lovely cakes as well. Friendly staff and owner. Best Italian coffee in town. I can highly recommend to anyone.

  • Rob McHenry

    Rob McHenry


    Came here because of the croissant hype, but would have to say I was disappointed. I make croissants myself from time to time and the croissants here were certainly fresh and buttery but very bread like, not flaky or airy at all, more like a croissant shaped brioche. The kind I get when something goes wrong and the butter isn't evenly distributed into the layers. Nice but not what a real croissant should taste like. I also got a proper old-fashioned cappuccino, although a little small. For both, it cost €5.60 (or 5:30 to go) 2.60 for the croissant and 2.90 for the coffee, about what I expected to pay, although I'd heard the croissants were 2.20. There are no tables but a small bar with stools the liffeyside location and occasional sunshine make you feel as if your in some continental town. Overall I would visit again, but for a fresh brioche or foccacia and the coffee. Then I might improve my rating.

  • Simona Besozzi

    Simona Besozzi


    Lovely stuffed focaccia! Perfect espresso too!

  • Gustavo Gonzalez

    Gustavo Gonzalez


    The food was delicious I only went to get a coffee them I got the whole breakfast, really fresh the foccacia and squeeze orange juice and a really creamy latte. Amazing

  • Patrik Masson

    Patrik Masson


    We randomly walked by last time we were visiting Dublin, we were so impressed we knew we have to come back. Everything is super good but the croissants are to die for.

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