Passport Office i Balbriggan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPassport Office


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Fingal Bay Business Park, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 671 1633
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.6039744, Longitude: -6.1888928

kommentar 5

  • en



    Applied online on a Monday morning - received my passport by post the following Friday. Online procedure very straight forward and extremely clear. Thank you Passport Office for the amazing service.

  • tmantheboss mcentee

    tmantheboss mcentee


    No help what so ever lady was rude I was willing to travel to Dublin as my trip is on Friday! Couldn't give me a straight answer told me I wouldn't be going anywhere so upset at being treated this way. Why can people not just help...

  • Roisin Burke

    Roisin Burke


    Horrific. Unable to talk to anybody- through any of 'available' channels. Travelled to Dublin to speak with someone in person to be given no help other than to be told because we used the express service our application is on Balbriggan where there is no one we can contact. It's looking like our holiday will have to be cancelled

  • en

    Jane Hanratty


    A huge thank you to David (don't know your surname) for your professionalism & efficiency in getting me my passport on time. Much appreciated.

  • en

    Eire land


    Most unhelpful people, never answer the phone and my 15 working day passport is due to be here in 23 working days way after my departure date, I was also told when I travelled to Dublin that the Balbriggan office would definitely ring me within the hour and I never got a call

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