Pearls Chinese Restaurant i Clonmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPearls Chinese Restaurant



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39, Gladstone Street, Clonmel, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 52 619 9418
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Latitude: 52.354107, Longitude: -7.701821

kommentar 5

  • en

    Eileen Brett


    Beautiful food and really lovely staff couldn't be more helpful

  • en

    J P


    Lovely restaurant, clean and well designed seating areas. The food is always fresh and tasty. The early bird menu is excellent value. The staff are really nice and friendly too.

  • Samhuv- Gamer

    Samhuv- Gamer


    Great place! Love the food! But the only reason why it didn't get 5 stars from me is because you have to wait 15 minutes maximum for food. But apart from that, I highly recommend this place!!!

  • en

    Haydn Drew


    Tried to get a decent new years day takeaway from here. Spent €44 quid so I wasn't just buying snackboxes! The food was absolutely appalling. I wouldnt call myself a food critic but I've tasted styrofoam with more flavour than the food from here. the ribs were incinerated. I will never ever again buy food here.

  • Maura Fennessey

    Maura Fennessey


    Lovely meal tonight in Pearls celebrating my sister Katie's birthday. The staff were very friendly and welcoming and they even supplied the birthday cake.We always go there for special occasions. 5 star service and food. Thankyou very much for tonight and Merry Christmas to you all 🎅 🎄 🌸. .

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