permanent tsb i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Irlandpermanent tsb



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13, O'Connell Street Lower, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 878 8333
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3485616, Longitude: -6.2593079

kommentar 5

  • SB Vlogs

    SB Vlogs


    Three ATM/ lodgement and only one ATM working. The russian girl, staff, "with 2 years experince" should be provided wih more training!!! They have learned nothing from the recesion (not to forget they also screwed people with there the morgages).

  • Fiach Caffrey

    Fiach Caffrey


    Good bank. Horrible branch. Never more than two staff behind the desks. Never seen all five ATM's working at any point. At lunch time on a Monday on two ATM's working, only one could be used for withdrawals. Staff go home an hour before they close so if you have a problem it better be something the security guard can help you with. Honestly it all smacks of cost cutting and the bank trying to keep as much money on deposit as possible. Shame because I like tsb but I've never had a good experience going to this branch.

  • en

    Branislav Stano


    If you need something go and get it. Online communication very bad.

  • Stoill Barzakoff

    Stoill Barzakoff


    Disappointment. This bank is probably having the most patient and calm customers. I arranged an appointment online, saying what documents I have and asking if it is possible to open a bank account with what I have. They scheduled it in a week. I showed up in their office @ Abbey street and It turned out it IS NOT enough. I need more papers. When I had the papers and asked for another appointment, they wanted me to wait for another 10 days and the bank employee CBA to check if any other of their other branches can accept me at an earlier date at all. Conditions are very good, but regarding customer services - 1-star is too much.

  • Wiseman Mangaliso

    Wiseman Mangaliso


    Good bank and friendly staff especially the security . Just there's always one of the three machines out of order everyday

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