Petstop i Dublin 18

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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210, The Park, Dublin 18, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 294 0828
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Latitude: 53.252458, Longitude: -6.18514

kommentar 5

  • Kim Adrienne Millar

    Kim Adrienne Millar


    Disappointing experience. Their reptile area which I needed was totally boarded off when I went with no sign up as to why and no staff available to ask.

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    Kacie Austin O,connor


    Petstop is really cool you should all go there and check out some anmals give an anmal a second chance🐇🐟🐠🐡

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    Paula Holmes


    Good pet shop, it caters more for cat and dog owners and it stocks lots of speciality food for them. It does have a small range of stuff for other pets and the owner will look for anything requested. Worth a look around.

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    Diana Fleming


    They don't stock a large variety of brands. I've called or stopped by on several occasions and not once have they had what I wanted. Perhaps I just have exotic tastes.

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    Viktoria Sirus


    I have purchased food for my cat on Monday this week. I was a bit worry as all cans with food were hot as heater were located right above the shelf with all cat's food. I've asked shop assistant if that's OK to keep all cans under heater and she said yes. I came home and gave 1 portion to my cat, she is sick now :( Please be aware that you can purchase some products there that might poison your pet!

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