Phil Carrolls Bar i Clonmel

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPhil Carrolls Bar



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16, Parnell Street, E91 VP95, Clonmel, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 52 612 5215
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Latitude: 52.35357, Longitude: -7.698147

kommentar 5

  • en

    christopher crook


    Nice friendly landlord Well kept cellar and good selection of ales

  • en

    Tommy Byrne


    Friendly cosy and with chatty customers. The bar staff courteous. Effective service and great beer.

  • Paul Besso

    Paul Besso


    This Pub is a lovely rustic place that serves an excellent pint; especially the Guinness. Guinness aficionados listen up! The decor may not have changed in a hundred years! Staff are friendly and efficient with excellent people skills. When you step into this pub, you feel like you are travelling back in time. I highly recommend this bar when you are visiting Clonmel.

  • en

    Noel King


    A small bar with quite good service, always busy. Opens in the evening. Very good background music with a great variety. Good quality beer. My favorite bar in Clonmel.

  • en

    Ciaran O Brien


    Great rustic atmosphere thanks to the vintage decor that hasn't been changed in years. Very friendly staff and also a good rock music.

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