Pizza Shack i Kilcoole

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IrlandPizza Shack



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Main Street, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow, A63 D934, Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 255 7310
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.107075, Longitude: -6.064634

kommentar 5

  • Steven Browne

    Steven Browne


    The pizza's very tasty. Crispy crust and thin base. Vegan cheese option is also a plus. A little pricy for toppings which is why I haven't given 5 stars... A couple of times some toppings were forgotten but the lovely staff amended this.

  • en

    Elaine Q


    The base is delicious but topping not so much. Simpler is better. We went for a pepperoni and it was a 4 star but the chicken bbq was poor.

  • Wicklow Grime media

    Wicklow Grime media


    Dough dogs are proper class and deancent oizza too

  • michael lang

    michael lang


    Excellent pizzas fantastic service

  • Mike Fipps

    Mike Fipps


    After having a few pints of Guinness at Molly's, we walked down to The Pizza Shack. It's basically across the street. The two people they had on staff were great! They were very friendly and shared lots of laughs with us. They gave us some great tips for Ireland travel along with some amazing chocolate deserts that were on the house. Pizza was more New York, than New York Pizza. This oven they have and the ingredients are on another level. We plan on staying at the Druids Glenn Hotel next time we go to Ireland and this is a must stop after having a few pints down at Molly's Pub. Thanks Pizza Shack!!

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