PlayBlue i Kilkenny

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Pudding Lane, Kilkenny, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 56 772 3434
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.650577, Longitude: -7.252234

kommentar 5

  • sandra mitchell

    sandra mitchell


    Love playblue, orders are fast n efficient. Good quality, free delivery over €20, and a free gift over €30... (altho I keep getting same item as gift lol😂)... Any problems, are quick to respond via email. Rob is sound to deal with. Just advised about updating website, esp with colours of items to make it clearer. I ordered black stocking but got white, but Rob was on the ball and offered to send replacement. Keep up good work x 👍👍💕

  • en

    Mark O Reilly


    Fast delivery however the box of one of the products was damaged in transit. The other product was a completely different color to that on the website (Pink! bit embarressing as this was for a guy for secret santa). I rang company and left voicemail as it was after hours but they never returned my call the next day. Bit disappointing. Not sure i would use this company again.

  • en

    Mona Coeur


    very disappointing product expected to arrive next day but never happened. when arrived looks like cheap Chinese product. don't recommend to anyone.

  • en

    Cleo Offers


    Products clearly are from China. very poor quality

  • Thighs



    Solid company. Transparent practices. Autographed an attached piece of paper when asked.

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