Powers The Pot Camping & Caravan Park i Clonmel

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IrlandPowers The Pot Camping & Caravan Park


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Harneys Cross, Clonmel, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 86 087 9855
internet side: www.powersthepot.com
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Latitude: 52.3288527, Longitude: -7.6227682

kommentar 5




    If someone likes a wild camp and closes their eyes to luxuries and relative cleanliness then this is a great campsite. Toilets, kitchen, showers were hot water all worked without no extra charge. Price per night, small tent plus one person is 8eur. Beautiful views of the mountains. It is the highest situated camping in Ireland. On the campsite is a pub. Owner very welcoming, polite and helpful. There is a lot of space, for a great place for meetings motorcycling and other groups.

  • de

    M. Endeaus


    Der Platz wird nicht mehr gepflegt, Rasen zu hoch, Müll auf dem Hinterhof, Küche und Bad sind in einem sehr schlechten Zustand. Kein warmes Wasser in den Duschen. Schade da es eigentlich eine ruhige Lage ist.

  • en

    Gudo Hoogzaad


    Very nice guy who runs the place. He came over to pick me up when I had a flat tire. Prices were fair, very scenic relaxing place, with sheep running around your tent. Beautiful indoor stay for the evenings with a burning campfire and beers. Toilets and kitchen are functioning but are quite outdated.

  • Warren Budge

    Warren Budge


    We loved it, be it does look like it needs updating and a good makeover, but Kevin the dog welcomes every guest and the site has let's to offer.

  • Carl Lange

    Carl Lange


    Great and inexpensive, nice view too. Would recommend for sure.

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