Precision Tiling i Mountmellick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPrecision Tiling



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Davitt Road, Mountmellick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 86 396 2515
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.1135363, Longitude: -7.3185284

kommentar 5

  • en

    Isabella O


    John has undertaken many projects for us ranging from tiling to carpentry. Without exception, he finishes every project to a high standard. I would highly recommend him!!

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    Barry McCartney


    John tiled our full bathroom floors and tiles. There was some fine detail in the tiles like boxes in the shower and over the bath. He did a fantastic job and it really looks perfect. It looks so symetrical and that's all down to the thought John put into it. Absolutely brilliant at his job and I would recommend him to anyone.

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    Barry Phelan


    Excellent tiler. He laid polished porcelain tiles for me and it looks great. Also did an en-suite with built in shelf in the shower. Highly recommend Precision Tiling. Will be getting him back to do more

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    matt ambroziak


    Did a great job on our laundry room. Tiled floor and put up door. Couldnt be happier with the results. Definately recommend.

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    Doris Monaghan


    Excellent work house looks great. Done my floors and doors couldnt recommend precision tiling enough.

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