Primacare / Tyrellstown Medical Centre, i Dublin 15

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPrimacare / Tyrellstown Medical Centre,



🕗 åbningstider

1, Boulevard, D15 AD76, Dublin 15, IE Irland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 885 6380
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.41966, Longitude: -6.384258

kommentar 5

  • Stephen Corcoran

    Stephen Corcoran


    Avoid, Avoid, Avoid!! this Dentist at all costs!!!! Nothing but bad experiences with the dentist Dr salma... she's a very nice lady I'd like to say first, but very bad Dentist and seems to be all about the money!!! Also had to go back twice to get her to fix same filling she had done!! And a few weeks on the same filling is coming loose again!! Last time she was fixing her work she didn't seem pleased at all. I had also asked for a mercury filling but she insisted on giving me the white one!! It's a back tooth!! Had bad experience too with other back tooth, she was trying to persuade me into pricey root canal when I just needed a filling!! She also asks if you would like fillings without anistectic!! How can she properly remove all decay before re filling if not numb!! I've now given up on this Dentist and won't bother going back a 3rd time for her to fix her shoddy work!! I better go look up a more reliable dentist and look up reviews first!!

  • gaurav arora

    gaurav arora


    Never get appointment 4 same day.. sometimes waiting for 2 days for appointments.

  • Mark Lane

    Mark Lane


    Can never get a same-day booking. Receptionist I dealt with could do with some training in courtesy and customer relationship skills.

  • en

    Fanny Kihlström


    Good hours to suit the most. Good value for money. So far so good.

  • en

    Beautiful Pakistan


    It is very nice but little expensive centre. Doctors are nice specially Dr. Salma is very nice and humble.

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