Primrose Beauty Clinic i Limerick

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandPrimrose Beauty Clinic


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17, William Street, Limerick, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 61 316 652
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Latitude: 52.6630839, Longitude: -8.6244734

kommentar 5

  • en

    Niamh Fitzgerald


    Primrose is definitely the nicest salon I have been to! The staff are so friendly and professional and you're always guaranteed a brilliant service! Would highly recommend!

  • en

    Aisling Clery


    I'm a regular client and always find the staff really friendly and accommodating! Great value for money, catering for all my beauty needs :)

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    Niamh O Reilly


    Fabulous beauty clinic - so accommodating and always try to fit you in for appointments even if you've left it way too late before an event! Excellent friendly service, wouldn't go anywhere else for getting my nails and eyebrows done!

  • en

    Colette Collopy


    Always have an excellent experience in this salon, the staff are so friendly and welcoming. The salon is always kept so clean and the services are very well priced. I wouldn't trust anyone else with my beauty needs.

  • en

    Aoife Synnott


    Excellent family run beauty salon which is unrivalled for the quality and treatments it offers in Limerick ! All staff are friendly, professional and highly trained. Always offering upto date products and treatments. A no brainier for all things beauty

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