Quay West Restaurant Donegal Town i Donegal

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IrlandQuay West Restaurant Donegal Town



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Quay Street, F94 E2A2, Donegal, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 74 972 1590
internet side: www.quaywestdonegal.ie
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 54.652139, Longitude: -8.111326

kommentar 5

  • Sheelagh Parker

    Sheelagh Parker


    Wowza! Brought my parents to Quay West last night for dinner and we hit the jackpot! The food was exceptional. My parents both had the Simply Salmon and thoroughly enjoyed the dish (very fresh, tasty & very well presented). I had two starters instead of a main - the Killybegs Smokies and the King Prawn Gratin. Both had been recommended and I could not thank the manager Jo enough! ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS 😋 the taste was exquisite, fresh and simply to die for! Highly recommend 😍

  • Celine Canavan

    Celine Canavan


    Took us very late Saturday night. Excellent service and hospitality. I had the Killybegs Smokies to start. They were phenomenal. My main was fish and chips...also very good. My partner had a potato/tomato/cheese starter (can’t remember the name) it was very nice! And he had the burger which was sooo good. I would recommend this place. Really enjoyed it.

  • Bill Stumph

    Bill Stumph


    The food was great! We liked the view of the water. The room was a bit loud for our taste between the music and the other patrons. We would have ordered another round of drinks and dessert but 10 minutes after the dessert menu was dropped off, no one had come to see what we wanted to so we decided to head out.

  • Joni Demelo

    Joni Demelo


    Absolutely a great place to enjoy dinner. Food was amazing!!!! They made our 30 year anniversary very rememberable Thank you

  • Bonner 11

    Bonner 11


    A visit to Quay West Restaurant is a must!! We've visited here a few times this year (as a couple + with our children). The food never disappoints, nor does the relaxed & friendly atmosphere created by the lovely staff team. The views from the upstairs window tables are a huge bonus, especially when the sun is shining. A big thank you to Jo for going out of her way to make our last visit there extra special (we escaped without the kids). P.S If stuck on desert decisions get the sticky toffee pudding!!! Dublin Family 😊

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