Quilt Yarn Stitch i Galway

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IrlandQuilt Yarn Stitch



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Shop Street, H54D215, Galway, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 93 24356
internet side: www.quiltyarnstitch.com
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Latitude: 53.515922, Longitude: -8.852001

kommentar 5

  • siobhan kelleher

    siobhan kelleher


    I would really like to spend the rest of my life in this shop 😄 Amazing fabrics, such a colour selection and the staff is so nice! Probably the best quilt shop in the whole of Ireland 💜

  • Lamour Strong

    Lamour Strong


    Color abounds in this Tuam shop. If you are searching for a piece of fabric, to bring your quilting dreams into reality, aim for this shop, you will not be disappointed. Every hue, tone & color exists here, with patterns galore & Roisin the proprietor has the kickass skill to teach you how to make it happen. Come here, feast your color senses & leave satiated, knowing where to return to for your next candy color fix. They say not everything is black and white, well this shop proves it in spades. 👍

  • Karen Cheetham

    Karen Cheetham


    Fab shop full of gorgeous materials and quilting notions. Staff are very knowledgeable and always happy to help.

  • en

    Karen Berry


    A beautiful shop with everything you could possibly need ( and a few things you just have to have because they are so pretty) for quilting/sewing/knitting/ crochet etc the list goes on and on. Ive never seen so much fabric in on place. The staff are fantastic and go the extra mile for their customers. Well worth a visit.

  • en

    Sinead Gunning


    It allows me to experience those feelings of excitement I had as a child in a toy shop! The choice is superb and the staff couldn't be any more helpful and friendly. The website helps when I can't pop in. Great value to be had also. I highly recommend this fab shop 😀

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