Raw Gyms City i Dublin 2

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRaw Gyms City



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7, Richmond Street South, Dublin 2, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 906 8460
internet side: www.rawgyms.ie
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Latitude: 53.3321114, Longitude: -6.2643245

kommentar 5

  • Jane Cahill

    Jane Cahill


    So basic gym. but sometimes that is all you need

  • eva hoehn

    eva hoehn


    market themselves as a "premium membership gym" but far from it. equipment in the city location is old and broken in some cases. cleanliness could be better & class offers are not great. not enough lockers. would not recommend.

  • Rodrigo Vaamonde

    Rodrigo Vaamonde


    Very well equiped. Opens till late. Very vague explanations of routines though.

  • en

    Troy Tyson


    A no-nonsense traditional gym in a warehouse off Richmond Street. Great staff who are very knowledgeable and approachable. Lots of wide ranging classes. If you want loads of mirrors and time wasting, go somewhere else.

  • Lee Byung jun

    Lee Byung jun


    The only gym i went so it is impossible to compare but it is a nice place. I like the time table and the tutors are very kind and sometimes teach learners individually. the shower is not that grand but lots of people use the gym and they are working seriously. some equipments are old but still usable. 20 euro per day...? well it might be reasonable if you work hard and listen to class. good luck;

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