Regus i Cork

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bldg 1000, Units 1201 & 1202, City Gate, Mahon, Cork, Co. Cork, T12 W7CV, Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 21 240 9000
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.886605, Longitude: -8.405006

kommentar 5

  • Amy -Jane Troy

    Amy -Jane Troy


    I found the girls on the front desk here to be exceptional. There were able to inform me of exactly what would suit my needs and how I would go about organising a space for myself whilst travelling. Their confidence in providing me with a quality service was very reassuring.

  • en

    FionaAndPeter Russell-White


    I've been at Regus Cork for 10 months and I will be sad to leave this great space. All areas are always clean, tidy and organised and the coffee dock in the centre of our floor was always a pleasant place to be, exchanging pleasantries with other office workers renting in the building. There is a lovely atmosphere at Regus and the staff are always efficient, friendly, pleasant and helpful. I commend them for this as they are extremely busy having to deal with so many different companies, all with different requirements. Nothing ever seems to be a bother for them.They run the business extremely well. I am very happy to recommend Regus, Mahon, Cork.

  • Orla Linehan

    Orla Linehan


    Our offices have been based in the Regus Business Centre in City Gate since 2011. We have spacious and bright office space as well as the use of fully equipped meeting rooms when we need them. Everything is taken care of including cleaning, maintenance and stocking the kitchen, so it saves admin time. The location is great as it is close to the Mahon Point Shopping Centre and there are quite a few options for lunch or coffee. Although, the arrival of the new Nespresso machine means that you don't need to leave the office to get a good cup of coffee. All the team at Regus are a pleasure to work with. All our requests are dealt with professionally and with a smile, no matter how big or how small. Nothing is a problem. This contributes to the really positive atmosphere in the centre.

  • eoin mcgettigan

    eoin mcgettigan


    A great base for any business, especially a start up. The team are top class and have often gone above and beyond their natural duties to support our company. Good value also

  • lorraine blackshields

    lorraine blackshields


    The staff here at Regus citygate have been fantastic in helping me run my business smoothly on a day to day basis! I highly recommend the team for their professionalism and capability. My patients also love dealing with the reception staff here. My needs have always been met with the highest standard of professionalism and upmost friendliness. 5 stars well deserved!

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