RE/MAX Estate Agents & Auctioneers Leixlip i Leixlip

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IrlandRE/MAX Estate Agents & Auctioneers Leixlip



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29, Main St, Leixlip, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 629 5060
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Latitude: 53.3641481, Longitude: -6.4883018

kommentar 4

  • en

    Cormac OReilly


    Mick and the team at ReMax did an exceptional job selling our home in Leixlip. Attentive, courteous and motivated from beginning to end, we would highly recommend using Re/Max Leixlip. Thanks Guys.

  • Tomás Dunbar

    Tomás Dunbar


  • Claire Finnegan

    Claire Finnegan


    If i could give less than one star for this company I would. A course in people management and customer service most certainly would not be wasted on those who work here. They proved themselves to be unreliable and unprofessional. A friend of mine gave a deposit for an apartment in Leixlip on the 6th September. They were told that within two weeks they could move in by Brian. On several occasions they had to contact the company to get updates as they still had no keys and were consistently fobbed off by both Brian Little and Bridie Little. Then on the 21st OCTOBER a whole month later they were told to come and collect their deposit as the company were going to give it to a couple instead. Now thats so unprofessional in itself and a clear breach of contract law but to make matters worse when my friend called for an update Bridie told him she didnt have time to explain the situation and made personal comments. She was incredibly aggressive and should consider a career not based upon sales and working with the public. If i hadnt had heard the call myself i would never have believe the ignorance, bullying and rudeness from Bridie. So unprofessional will never ever ever use Remax at all. Avoid at all costs. In the current rental crisis to have a home, wait nearly two months for it and be told that you cant move in is not acceptable. What if they had had to have moved out from their prior apartment? They would be homeless and stuck looking for another..... its absolute madness. Why would a couple be more acceptable than two individuals working full time?? If they werent suitable tenants why take the deposit and lie for almost two months???? How can you accept a deposit and then revoke it. Safe to say we are taking legal action against this firm.




    I am very disappointed and frustrated with Remax at Lexilip, they have taken eight weeks and still are unable to find a suitable tenants. Moreover, Briedge Little was very rude and unfriendly over the phone this morning on 20.10.2015. She was shouting at me and being very difficult over the phone. I would not recommend Remax Lexilip, the staff is also unfriendly and give excuses that they are very busy and are not able to return customer's call. Please refrain to use Remax to find suitable tenants. Regards

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