Robert Chambers Hair Salon i Dublin 2

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IrlandRobert Chambers Hair Salon



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69, Grafton Street, D02 HC04, Dublin 2, IE Irlandia
kontakter telefon: +353 1 677 1323
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Latitude: 53.3410804, Longitude: -6.260667

kommentar 5

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    Joanna Hurley


    Was lucky enough to get my curly hair cut by Athos after endless years of unsatisfied haircuts. He clearly understood his craft and was very professional and took the time to listen and understand my needs. I have finally found myself a true stylist and I am looking toward to my next cut and colour!

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    Gillian Roche


    Loved my first visit to Robert Chambers Salon. A lovely welcome on arrival. Staff are friendly & helpful. Tamar is an excellent stylist she delivered a style for me that is manageable & funky i love it. Looking forward to my second visit already.

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    Marta G


    Fantastic salon full of lovely, creative and very professional hairdressers.It is quite expensive but it is worth it!! I came with very damaged, bleached hair, I needed help and good advice. Tamar and Jade took care of my hair and they did a great job. I couldn't expect more. My hair are still blond but not as bright, it looks very natural and more healthy. They are shiny and soft. The cut is lovely as well. I booked my appointment for march already. I highly recommend this place to people who need professional advice and help.

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    My first visit to the salon was very good! Tamar listened to what I wanted to do with my hair, and when I’m not great in explaining - she knew what I wanted and she did a brilliant job!! Very happy with my hair, really would recommend to everyone. Definitely will be coming back. Thank you so much !!

  • sheelagh gartlan

    sheelagh gartlan


    Jade cut my hair today and she was great! I jumped from shoulder length to short and Jade took her time getting the style right. She has an excellent attention to detail. My Hair Colourist was also very good. I wasn't rushed nor was I left sitting for ages. Overall a great team working there. Looking forward to next time. Sheelagh

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