Rongs Wholesale Ltd 融兴行 i Dublin 1

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRongs Wholesale Ltd 融兴行



🕗 åbningstider

157, Parnell Street, Dublin 1, IE Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 534 7451
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.3531554, Longitude: -6.2605951

kommentar 5

  • en

    michsel fox


    Very good staff very helpful.

  • Orsolya Bózsó

    Orsolya Bózsó


    Good range of fresh and dry ingredients

  • Tomas Pavelka

    Tomas Pavelka


    I go here almost every day for ingredients for Asian meals and usually find what I need. Fair selection of ingredients, good seafood and meat counter with stuff that's not available in other shops, such as chicken bones. Staff is mostly polite and prices are better than in similar shops.

  • Pink Berry

    Pink Berry


    They have fresh fish like squid, seabream, seabass etc and oysters, clams shells etc at the back. Everything looks fresh every day. Today we wanted to eat oysters there at the place along with buying a spoon and lemon. This was because we were travelers. Although this is not the usual practice, they were so kind to cut and prepare them for us and they were nicely served. The deal is 6 oysters for €5 which is very cheap. Comparing it with Temple Bar pubs you get 66% off! :) they were extremely luscious. In my next Dublin visit I will have 6 oysters every lunch time in here. :) Staff is friendly and very helpful. Strongly recommended.

  • Tat Wai Lam

    Tat Wai Lam


    Rubbish supermarket, you will get the most expensive price among all asian supermarkets in Dublin. Untrustworthy Chinese bosses.

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