Roundwood Caravan Park i Roundwood

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandRoundwood Caravan Park


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Togher Beg, Roundwood, Co. Wicklow, Ireland
kontakter telefon: +353 1 281 8163
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Latitude: 53.0690304, Longitude: -6.2219309

kommentar 5

  • en

    June Burns


    What a great site. We're just back from a two week stay and we had a ball (we didn't want to go home). Well run, great facilities and friendly, helpful owners (thanks again for helping to sort the washing Pauline). The facilities were cleaned on a regular basis throughout the day and the play park was ideal for our grandchildren, aged 5-9. The site is our 'go to' place to discover the beautiful scenery in Co Wicklow, we have been coming for several years and discover new places every time. Keep up the good work guys and hopefully we'll see you again next year.

  • en

    lizzy o'hinunane


    Everything costs extra, cost over 65 euros for motor home and small car for one night, plus 6euros for wifi codes for 3people, 4euros for 2 people to take two Luke warm quick showers. Very unclean shower and toilets. Find another site, staff are also very unwilling to help

  • en

    tara murphy


    Peaceful site.... Clean tidy.. Everything very convenient for all. Loved the face of three separate toilet blocks... Men, women n one dedicated to children only. Only issue is no showers between 12noon n 4 pm...

  • Carl Lanigan

    Carl Lanigan


    A fine camp. Stayed for one night with no issues. Staff were helpful with a few queries and pitches were in good order.

  • en

    sarah moore


    Amazing! Wonderful staff, always looking to help. Immaculately kept and good facilities. Can't recommend the camp site enough. Comprises a playground for the Littleton's, inside area in case of rain and power points and television to keep a happy camper camping

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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