Salthill Caravan Camping i Salthill

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSalthill Caravan Camping


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Salthill, Co. Galway, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 91 523 972
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Latitude: 53.2565168, Longitude: -9.1053155

kommentar 5

  • Dublin Boy

    Dublin Boy


    Nice clean park , beautiful scenic location. Wi-Fi on site

  • Kris Trip

    Kris Trip


    Un petit camping proche du centre-ville. Le vent rend le montage des tentes problématiques. Sanitaires propres.

  • en

    Hugh Heaney


    Nice caravan and camping site in Salthill. It has everything you need and it's location is ideal..minutes from the sea and short stroll to Salthill and it's beach, shops and bars etc.

  • en

    B kenny


    Nice location with good views but I am unlikely to return here. I found it quite expensive compared to other campsites with superior facilities. For a start there was no soap in the toilets, and you have to pay to use wash up sinks, both of which I would usually expect as standard. The lady I met at reception was quite rude and not what I would expect from someone in the hospitality industry. If you need someplace to stay for the night and you aren't short of cash, it will be fine, but I wouldn't be recommending it to my friends!

  • en

    Therese ORourke


    On the way back from a lovely weekend at this caravan park. Lovely and quiet and clean. Lovely walks for our dog. Lovely little beach within yards for a walk or sitting on. Lived the peace and quiet and the views of the sea were amazing. Will certainly be back as soon as possible.

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