Salthill Hotel i Galway

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandSalthill Hotel



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The Promenade Salthill, Galway, H91 DD4V, Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 91 522 711
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Latitude: 53.258632, Longitude: -9.087261

kommentar 5

  • en

    Way Kay


    Second time back in a few months. Beautiful seaview rooms to say the least and would love to be able to afford to stay more regularly 😊 Food is good and facilities are quite good but found it was a little understaffed at the bar/restaurant throughout the whole weekend. Main restaurant deserves credit for its top class food as it really was tasty. Tks all in all as we had a lovely break and by the way receptionist are great.

  • en

    Macan Tire1798


    Salthill hotel was a pleasure to stay in. Located near pearse stadium with an underground car park, a pool and gym, a restaurant and well polished lobby floors to skid around in your socks. This hotel has it all. The staff were friendly but I think one of them, an American, who was half my age taught I was attempting to flirt with her. I wasn't, I just wanted a sandwich and a cup of coffee but I could tell she felt awkward and I in turn felt awkward realizing her assumption which may be a work hazard. The sandwich and the coffee were delightful but I fear for workers in the Irish hospitality industry who who may have unwritten expectations placed upon them. I blame modern Irish trade unions for this. #metoo is not just for the film industry but a reasonable expectation of all workers. I can not blame the management at salt hill hotel, the American worker was rotated with another worker at the bill time. I applaud this. It can not just be about the safety and comfort of the customer, it must be about the staff as well.

  • en

    chema Mullingar


    The best gym and pool of any hotels I've visited. Attentive service and a clean large enough room. Great location. What else do you need?

  • Ramon VV

    Ramon VV


    Buen servicio y habitaciones. Esta en primera línea de playa para aquel que quiera pasear por el paseo de la bahía

  • Leon Halpern

    Leon Halpern


    Muy buen Hotel, ubicado en una zona tranquila, frente al mar. La habitación es muy amplia con un gran baño La habitación da frente al mar, con unas vistas impresionantes. La gente que atiende tiene muy buenos modales, siempre saludan y sonrien, es agradable hospedarse aquí. El desayuno es bastante completo con muchas opciones no Irish también.

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