Shauna's Pet Shop i Dublin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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IrlandShauna's Pet Shop



🕗 åbningstider

5, Capel Street, 1, Dublin, IE Irlanda
kontakter telefon: +353 1 532 7660
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Latitude: 53.3463874, Longitude: -6.267881

kommentar 5

  • Robert Alves

    Robert Alves


    Great place to buy anything for your dog. Great product selection.

  • Lois Evans

    Lois Evans


    First time in the shop today and I certainly won't be shopping elsewhere in future! The staff were friendly, extremely helpful and were happy to spend time with me chatting about my ratties and offering extremely helpful advice!! Keep up the good work. Thelma & Louise will be delighted with their treats, as will my 2 Degus!

  • Paul Rock

    Paul Rock


    great place. caters for every pet need. very helpful and knowledgeable staff...

  • en

    Antonina Walsh


    Nice store, they help you to choose accessories for your pets, give advice on how to take care of them. You can hold pets before buying and choose whoever you want.

  • Rory Lynch

    Rory Lynch


    Not your typical "fish and bunnies" store. They have a wide selection of animals. The staff are friendly and knowledgeable staff who always put the welfare of their animals first. Wide selection of foods and supplies for a wide range of animals. Best pet store in the city.

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